Research @ ICFAI Group
All these case studies are developed for Management, Science and Technology, Social Studies and other related programs and allied disciplines.

7000Case Studies
Ph.D Scholars
- The ICFAI University, Himachal Pradesh was established under the provision of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University (Establishment and Regulation) Act-2011 (Act no. 43 of 2011) as assented by the Governor on 17 Oct 2011.
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Nishi Gupta, S. B. Singh, Creep strain rates analysis in cylinder under temperature gradient materials by using Seth’s theory, Engineering Computations, Emerald Publisher, Vol. 34, No.3, United Kingdom, 2017, pp. 1031 -1041. Index: SCIE & SCOPUS/ IMPACT FACTOR: 1.177
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Gaurav Verma, D. Pathania, S.B. Singh, Thermal Creep stress and strain analysis in Non-homogeneous Spherical shell, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw University of Technology Poland, Vol. 55, No. 4, 2017, pp. 1155-1165. Index: SCIE & SCOPUS/ IMPACT FACTOR: 0.783
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Jatinder Kaur, S. B. Singh, Thermal creep transition stresses and strain rates in a circular Disc with shaft having variable density, Engineering Computations, Emerald Publisher UK, Vol.33, Issue 3, 2016, pp. 698-712. Index: SCIE & SCOPUS/ IMPACT FACTOR: 1.177
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Pooja, Sandeep Sharma, Creep transition of a transversely isotropic disc having variable thickness under internal pressure accepted for publication Structural Integrity and Life, issue 1, Vol. 18, pp. 15 -21, 2018. Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Shivdev shahi, Satya bir Singh, Fadugba Sunday Emmanuel, Exact solution of rotating disc with shaft problem in the elastoplastic state of stress having variable density and thickness, Accepted for publication Accepted for publication SIntegrity and Life,tructural issue 2, Vol. 18, 2018. Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Shivdev shahi, Satya bir Singh, Fadugba Sunday Emmanuel Jasmina Lozanović Šajić, Modeling of creep behaviour of a rotating disc in the presence of load and variable thickness by using seth transition theory, Accepted for publication Structural Integrity and Life, issue 2, Vol. 18, 2018. Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Gaurav Verma, D. Pathania, S.B. Singh, Elastic-Plastic stress analysis in a Spherical Shell under internal pressure and steady state temperature, Structural Integrity and Life, issue 1, Vol. 17, 2017, pp. 39-43. Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Suresh kumar, Joginder Singh, Creep stresses in a rotating Disc having variable density and mechanical load under steady-state temperature, Structural Integrity and Life, Vol. 17, issue 2, 2017, pp. 97-104. Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Creep stresses in a circular cylinder subjected to torsion, Structural Integrity and Life, Vol. 17, issue 3, 2017, pp. 183-186. Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- PANKAJ THAKUR, D.S. Pathania, Gaurav, S.B. Singh, Non-homogeneity effect in the spherical shell by using seth’s theory, Structural Integrity and Life, Vol. 17, issue 3, 2017, pp. 177-182. Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- Sanjeev Sharma, PANKAJ THAKUR, Richa Sharma, R.K. Bhardwaj, Zoran Radaković, Thermo-elastic-plastic transition in torsion of composite thick-walled circular cylinder subjected to pressure, Structural Integrity and Life, Vol. 17, issue 3, 2017, pp. 193-201. Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Sandeep Kumar, Stress Evaluation in a Transversely Isotropic Circular Disk with an Inclusion, Structural Integrity and Life, Vol. 16, Issue No. 3, 2016,pp.155-160 . Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- Nishi Gupta, PANKAJ THAKUR, Satya Bir Singh, Mathematical method to determine thermal strain rates and displacement in a thick-walled spherical shell, Structural Integrity and Life, Vol. 16, Issue No. 2, 2016, pp. 99-104. Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- Nishi Gupta, PANKAJ THAKUR, Satya Bir Singh, Creep modeling in a composite rotating disc with variable thickness varation in the presence of residual stress, Structural Integrity and Life , Vol. 16, No. 2, 2016, pp. 105-112. Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Satya bir Singh , Joginder Singh , Suresh Kumar, Effect of density variation parameter in an isotropic solid Disk , Structural Integrity and Life, Vol. 17, No.3, pp. 143-148, 2016. Index: ESCIE & SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.67
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Gaurav Verma, D. Pathania, S.B. Singh, Elastic-plastic Transition on rotating spherical shells in dependence of compressibility, Kragujevac Journal of Science, Vol. 39, 2017, pp. 5 -16. Index: Zoological Record/Thomson master Journal list
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Satya bir Singh, Joginder Singh, Suresh Kumar, and Steady Thermal Stresses in Solid Disk under heat generation subjected to variable Density, Kragujevac Journal of Science, Vol. 38, 2016, pp. 5-14. Index: Zoological Record/Thomson master Journal list
- Nishi Gupta, Satya Bir Singh, PANKAJ THAKUR, Determine variation of Poisson ratios and thermal creep stresses and strain rates in an isotropic Disc, Kragujevac Journal of Science, Vol. 38, 2016, 15- 28. Index: Zoological Record/Thomson master Journal list
- PANKAJ THAKUR, Satya Bir Singh, Nishi Gupta, Shivdev Shahi, Effect of mechanical load and thickness profile in a rotating disc by using Seth’s transition theory, AIP Conf. Proceeding, Vol. 1859, issue 1, pp. 020024, American Institute of Physics, United State,2017. Index: SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.21
- Gaurav Verma, Puneet Rana, D. S. Pathania, and PANKAJ THAKUR, Creep transition in the rotating spherical shell under the effect of density variable by Seth’s transition theory, AIP Conf. Proceeding, American Institute of Physics, United State, Vol. 1802, issue1, pp. 020020-1, 020020-10,DOI: 10.1063/1.4973270, 2017. ( SCOPUS) Index: SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.21
- Jatinder Kaur, PANKAJ THAKUR and S.B. Singh, Steady thermal stresses in a thin rotating disc of finitesimal deformation with edge loading, Journal of Solid Mechanics, Vol. 8, No. 1,pp. 204, 211, 2016. Index: SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.35
- Nishi Gupta, PANKAJ THAKUR, Satya Bir Singh, Effect of thermal gradient on the creep on a rotating disc, Journal for Technology of Plasticity, Vol. 41, Number 1, pp. 13-25, 2016. Index: SCOPUS/ CITE SCORE: 0.21
- PANKAJ THAKUR, S.B. Singh, Shruti, Elastic-Plastic Infinitesimal Deformation In A Solid Disk Under Heat Effect By Using Seth Theory, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2017, pp. 621-633. Index: Zentralblatt Math/Springer Publisher
- D.S. Pathania, PANKAJ THAKUR, Gaurav Verma, Safety analysis of spherical shell structures subjected to external pressure, International conference on soft computing applications in wireless communication, 2017, pp. 86-90.