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Faculty of Libral Arts

    • The Liberal Education was coined by the Romans which means “of or pertaining to free men ‘’.
    • Founded in 2020, The Department of Liberal Arts at ICFAI University is famous for its creative approach towards imbibing the innovative and an interdisciplinary education of a global level based on reasoning.
    • Liberal Arts is the cluster of various disciplines such as History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Media , Culture, Gender Studies, Literature and Communication.
    • Plato and Aristotle saw education as a search for the truth in its purest form, and the Faculty of Liberal Arts at ICFAI works on this principle.
    • Its major concern is on the development of an individual’s identity and understanding of the social world. It does not just deal with communication or the skill enhancement; rather, it concentrates on the critical analysis of life long complexities too.
    • The liberal arts education is the combination of both philosophical and practical approaches. The program also emphasized on the research orientation.
    • The faculty is chosen from the best institutions of India, who produces individuals who are open-minded and free from any preconceptions and dogmas.
    • The students are trained to be reflective of their actions and aware of their place in the social and the natural environment. The graduate students at the FLA are trained to excel in the world of challenges.

Courses Offered at FLA

  • Bachelor of Arts in Humanities BA (Humanities)
  • Bachelor of Arts in English BA (Hons.) English

Strengths of FLA

  • Well qualified faculty members with strong emphasis on creativity and research.
  • Good placements coupled with dynamic instituteindustry interaction.
  • Vibrant Entrepreneurship and Incubation Student centric Cell, unique Mentor-Mentee Program
  • Excellent ambience for teaching-learning. Specialization courses to make students industry oriented.