Academic Flexibilities
- Several academic flexibilities are allowed by the ICFAI University, Himachal Pradesh in the educational process.
- The decision regarding flexibilities is generally guided by the principle of merit, preference of the student and the facilities available.
- Any academic flexibility that a student opts for, must be selected at the time of registration for the semester.
Elective Courses
- The academic structure of the program provides students with an opportunity to choose a minimum of six elective courses on their own, from across all the courses offered by the Faculty of Science and Technology.
- Through the elective courses, the students may fulfill their ambitions of either gaining knowledge in fields other than their own discipline, or of gaining higher knowledge in their own field of specialization.
- Further, over and above the prescribed number of electives, students can also take a maximum number of four Optional Electives on their own.
Repetition of Courses
- Students who are yet to complete the program are permitted to repeat a course if they want to improve their grades, provided the course is offered during the semester.
- Transfer:
- The structure allows transfer of students from one program to another, at an appropriate time.